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Register BCEAO Institution

To be able to produce BCEAO reports for an organisation, it must first be registered in Loan Performer. This helps Loan Performer to generate the required BCEAO reports for the particular institution according to the BCEAO requirements.

Note also that the registered institution's name will appear on all the BCEAO reports that will be generated by Loan Performer hereafter.

How to register a BCEAO institution in Loan Performer

To register an institution you go to Accounts->Regulatory Reports->BCEAO Reports->Register Institution and screen will appear looking as follows:

For each field enter the details in the corresponding textbox, for example in the first field "Code Reseau" enter "+25644".

After all the fields have been filled, click on the Enreistrer button to register the institution in Loan Performer.

Note that if an institution is not registered, Loan Performer will not be able to generate the required reports for it.

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